當你有算數的經驗時,你會知道在做四則運算時會有先乘除後加減的規則 程式當然也有,C++ 裡面也有相關的先後順序與關聯性 C++ Precedence and associativity 先前觀念 What is the purpose of {} in C++? {} can be used to initialise variables in C++11 in the […]
當你有算數的經驗時,你會知道在做四則運算時會有先乘除後加減的規則 程式當然也有,C++ 裡面也有相關的先後順序與關聯性 C++ Precedence and associativity 先前觀念 What is the purpose of {} in C++? {} can be used to initialise variables in C++11 in the […]