The link to show our performance.




  • Automation Engineer & Software Developer
  • 8years
  1. Developed and participated the whole SCADA system and constructed MS Access DB Client.
  2. Made multiple interfaces between PLC and SCADA systems.( Developed by our own )
  3. Made and optimized custom of industrial processes with integrated system. ( By proven products like MitsubishiPanasonic、Omron and Keyence)
  4. Programmed and maintained the multiple axis system with PLC-integrated.
  5. Improved the used devices of system.
  6. Duties include electrical and network debug and program various PLC.
  7. Machine Vision Options on pc base
  8. To build a Test-Driven Development on .Net

  • Automation & Software Engineer Sept. 2019 -Now
  1. The whole SCADA Programming UI Design and local DB Storage in Petroleum and Coal Products Manufacturing control. 2023 Oct.
  2. Updated the PLC control system in Reel process in Paper industry. 2023 Aug.
  3. The whole SCADA Programming and UI Design in Water Supply System. 2022 Oct.
  4. The whole SCADA Programming and UI Design in Powder-Feeding Device control. 2022 Aug.~Sep.
  5. Developed a Optional Attachment in Snap Capture software. 2022 Feb.~ Mar.
  6. Made a proposal of upgrading our SCADA platform on .Net 2019 . 2019 Dec. ~2022 Jan.
  7. Updated the PLC control system in Reel process in Paper industry. 2021 Jun.
  8. The Smart Building Semi Automatic Control system. 2019 Oct.~Nov.
  9. The whole SCADA & PLC Developed and Design in Petroleum and Coal Products Manufacturing control system.2019/Jan.~Oct.
  10. The whole SCADA & PLC Developed and Design in Petroleum and Coal Products Manufacturing control system.2019/Jan.~Oct.
  11. The whole SCADA & PLC Developed and Design in Petroleum and Coal Products Manufacturing control system.2019/Jan.~Oct.
  • Automation Engineer May. 2015-2019
  1. One of cooperate with manufactures in STONE & RESOURCE INDUSTRY R&D CENTER 2016 /May~July
  2. Participated in Ore-slicing system R&D. 2017/ June~July
  3. Participated in  Multi-spindle OreSurface Grinding Machine system R&D. 2017/July~Aug.


2023 /10月 -中大型工廠SCADA開發, PLC參與改寫, DB資料庫儲存以及列印功能。

2023 /08月 -造紙工業Reel製程解析以及PLC更新。

2022 /11月-2023 – 舊版LPT Row Printer功能改善。

2022 /11月 -協助公司內部-引進TDD開發方式。

2022 /5月 – 協助公司內部-建立Optic視覺判斷-開發環境。

2022 /3月 – 政府單位-抽水站及蓄水池遠端通訊IoT( 與中華電信合作 ), 現場功能探勘 +監控室SCADA 軟體系統架構設計+程式撰寫, UI仿型。

2022 /2月 -上市公司-粉料輸送帶監控SCADA , UI仿型, 存入Excel與報表列印。

2021 /8月 -造紙工業 前段Reel-PLC整套與HMI更新與程式解析。

2020一整年 -因為疫情,太少工作了,學習網頁前端後端技能、Iot資料傳輸架構以及SQL知識。

2019/ 11月~ 2022/1月- 既有中小型工廠-整廠SCADA(超過4年以上可運行), 架構、設計模式、可靠性和可擴展性做出貢獻。

2019 /10月 -新光大樓 大樓遠端控制樓梯燈 Remote IO, 冷卻水塔程式+既有線路改善。

2019 /1月~9月 -整廠SCADA, PLC參與撰寫, 當地資料庫儲存, 列印, 低壓控制施工。

2017 /8月 – 協助多軸運動龍門加工機, 整套PLC控制系統更新。

2016 /11月 飲料深層水產線-倒瓶偵測系統。

2016 /5月~7月 -經濟部 東部重點產業更新案偕同廠商。

Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering, Tatung University, Taipei. April 2011- June 2015

If you have something interesting to propose. Even you have a good idea. Try to contact us.