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現實用途: 為了提高測量精度, 待測物體與測量器的刻度要在同一方位的同一條線上。
若沒有在同一條線上, 必須盡量縮短兩者的距離。
- 摘錄自 WikiLectures
In 1866, Ernst Abbe and Carl Zeiss cooperated together to improve the optical performance of microscopes. Only until then microscopes and microscope objectives were being produced by trial and error; some having exceptional optical performance but others having undesirable features. Abbe and Zeiss knew that they could only get an optimum and consistent performance on a complete theoretical basis. (Gundlach, 2005)
Abbe discovered after many calculations and experiments that the diffraction image in the back focal plane of the objective is essential for image formation. (Gundlach, 2005)
“No microscope permits components (or the features of an existing structure) to be seen separately if these are so close to each other that even the first light bundle created by diffraction can no longer enter the objective simultaneously with the non-diffracted light cone.” Ernst Abbe, 1873. (Gundlach, 2005)
Light rays diffracted by the specimen from the objective of an optical microscope are fundamentally important in Abbe’s theory. Fine details of the specimen will not be visible, unless diffracted rays of light from the specimen are captured by the objective. (University, 2005)
Diffraction forms the image of light absorbing specimen. The light shows the specimen’s structure consists of grating of different shapes of holes. A specimen will give a consistent bright image if the rays of light passes through the specimen undiffracted. Information is carried by the diffracted light over and around the structures of the specimen. (Logg, 2006)
- 摘錄自 Keyence
游標卡尺量測物體與量測刻度並不在同一條直線上, 故不符合阿貝原理。
測物體與量測刻度都在同一條直線上, 符合阿貝原理。
Abbe diffraction阿貝衍射-摘要翻譯
光的特性: 粒子性、波動性
翻譯自 WikiLectures
如果平面波(如圖 1 所示的平行光)從光軸下方進入光軸,則會出現不同角度的不同繞射。
圖 2 所示的像平面中的均勻強度顯示除了第0級以外的光點都被阻擋。阻擋No.1階光斑以外的所有光將導致圖中具有與網格相同頻率的強度變化。
單獨的 No.2和 No.3繞射級給出了錯誤的周期。
然而,只有通過添加4 個順序(No.0到No.3)才能獲得合理的樣本圖。
Ernst Abbe 得出結論,只有當物鏡捕獲至少兩個繞射級時,才會形成圖像。如果物鏡可以捕獲更多繞射級別,則可以解析更精細的細節。